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ICLN Webinars

Recordings of the series of DOE Radiological educational webinars.

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Support Laboratory Briefing

This is FRMAC training module intended to be used as a briefing for laboratories responding to a nuclear incident in which FRMAC is supporting.

SANDIA Center for Global Security and Cooperation (CGSC), Nuclear Incident Response Self-Paced on-line Learning Opportunities

Courses include: 

  • AS-100: Introduction to Assessment Science, 24 ABHP CECs
  • 22 module course covering FRMAC Assessment methods for public protection, worker protection, and ingestion pathway.  COURSE CODE:  PNNS-KDXC 
  • Turbo FRMAC Advanced Methods, 1 ABHP CEC each 
    • Administration of Potassium Iodide 
      Derived Response Level Calculation COURSE CODE: OMXL-NMBV
    • Analytical Action Level Calculation COURSE CODE: HZAK-EWAX
  • LA-050: Support Laboratory Briefing 
    • What labs should expect when called to help FRMAC COURSE CODE: CMOT-EKHS
    • Gamma Spectroscopy Fundamentals COURSE CODE: ERXF-ZREQ
      • Detector Calibration Methods
      • Sample Analysis
      • Software Functions
      • Mathematical Instrument Calibration
      • True Coincidence Summing Corrections
      • In-Situ Gamma Spectrometry

Oak Ridge Associated Universities:  Gamma Spectroscopy

Conducted by ORAU, this five-day, laboratory-oriented course covers the basics of radionuclide identification and quantification by gamma spectroscopy. Approximately 50% of the time will be spent in the laboratory.  

Radiochemistry training offered by TNI

It costs $900 and also includes focus on QA/QC geared towards TNI accreditation for environmental laboratories:
Understanding Radiochemistry Testing and The 2016 TNI Standard - Five-Part Series

Part 1: Ra-228 and Gas Proportional Counting

Part 2: ASTM D7283 and EPA 906.0 (Liquid Scintillation Counting)

Part 3: Alpha Spectrometry

Part 4: EPA Method 901.1 Gamma Spectrometry

Part 5: Radon Emanation, Total Uranium, Method Validation and Instrument Calibrations


Enhancing Radiological Laboratory Testing for Radionuclides in Drinking Water - Training (on-line)

This on-line course in the past was presented live, separately to 15 state radiochemistry drinking water laboratories.  The on-line course provides the bases for radiochemical separations, radioactive decay and equations for activity determination and decay correction. It also covers the EPA approved methods for Gross Alpha/Beta, 226Ra, natU, 3H, 228Ra, and gamma spectrometric analyses.

FRMAC Gamma Spectroscopist Knowledge Guide

This knowledge guide was developed as a training and reference manual for Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) gamma spectroscopists.  This guide is geared towards applied High Purity Germanium (HPGe) gamma spectroscopy with an emphasis on examples.

Nuclear Incident Response Self-Paced Learning Opportunities

The Nuclear Incident Response Program (NIRP) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), the DOE Consequence Management (CM) program, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency Nuclear Incident Response Team (FEMA-NIRT) invites you to access training material developed for responders under the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC).  This training material can be accessed for free through a MATRIX learning management system.  We have partnered with the SNL Center for Global Security and Cooperation (CGSC) to host our training materials. 

Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC) Responder Web-Based Training Portal Access Instructions.pdf